Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Mason Jar Succulents

Hello friends. I love mason jars. I love succulents. So naturally, I love this little project. It's beautiful, simple, and a great decoration for anyone who enjoys nature.

What you will need:

Mason Jar(s)
Acrylic Paint (and something to mix paint on)
Sand Paper
Potting Soil

Now to begin. This is seriously easy and only requires a few steps. 

So first, choose your desired paint color and simply begin painting. It will most likely require a few coats, but the paint dries very quickly.

Once the paint has dried, grab your sand paper and rough up the edges and the areas of the jar that protrude. 

This will make the jar look more rustic and interesting. It's up to you how much you choose to scrape off, but I like it to have that vintage feel.

Next, simply fill your mason jar with the necessary amount of potting soil, and transfer your succulent. (Make sure to wait to water the plant until the paint on your mason jar is completely dry. If you don't, the paint gets all crumply and weird... I know from depressing experience.)


There you have it. Told you it was easy, didn't I?

Now all you have to worry about is keeping your plant alive. 


I hope you enjoyed this little project. It's especially fun to make while listening to Marcus Foster or Mumford & Sons and dancing alone in your room. 

Thanks for stopping by! I very much hope you choose to come back again. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Wandering About

So I have a delightful friend, and we took pictures of each other. Her name is Carrie.

I shall elaborate. I take a photography class, and I needed a subject for one of my assignments. So I forced my divine friend to be my subject, and as payment I was hers.
If "Isn't She Lovely" by Stevie Wonder is now playing in your head, I would understand why.

When a headache randomly strikes during a photoshoot.

Carrie is one of my closest friends, and I truly cherish any time I get to spend with her. She makes awkwardly lying in grass, dancing on stage with strange children around, and discovering doors that lead to Narnia ever so delightful. I am extremely grateful for her and our friendship. She is also enormously artsy and creative, and I urge you to go check out her blog: Timberwolf

 Obviously a lot of these have ended up in the main part of the blog. ;) Anyways, this day was splendid, and I am sure you will see Carrie pop up on here from time to time.

All photos of Carrie were taken by me, and all photos of me were taken by Carrie. You should all check out her blog. Its oh so magical. You can find it at: Timberwolf

Hope you enjoyed a little photography! 

Monday, December 8, 2014

Welcome to Authentic Adventurers

Hello. Bonjour. Ciao. Aloha. Konichiwa. Hola.

(imagine outstretched hand) I'm Melanie, and one way or another you have stumbled across this online journal of sorts. I already like you very much for doing that.

After many attempts to find a way to share my thoughts, ideas, and writings somehow, I finally decided to make a little blog. Blog sounds rather formal though, so how about we call it our little secret adventure book.

One of the first things you should know about me is that I love adventure. I desire it always. I crave it constantly. I live for adventures. spontaneity. traveling. exploring. wandering. So my love for such things became the very basis of this here blog.

I use the term "adventure" loosely in this particular case, however, because sadly I cannot go on great traveling escapades each week. Therefore, this little journal shows all you lovely people how I find my every day adventure, whether that be through curiosity of how things are made, finding hidden or unnoticed beauties, or searching for the very creativity that tumbles about only in our heads.

I will do this through many things, most importantly photography. I have grown to be quite the photography enthusiast, and I would love it if you would let me share my work with you. Additionally, I would love to share DIYs, recipes, and stories of my time all over the world.

To be honest, I do not even know what will come of this little place tucked away in an unknown area of the enormous internet, but I would love to find out. I hope you would to.

So if you fancy, please do stick around. I would love to have you.
